When I was eight years old, I wasn't ever going to go to college because college was really far away.
Even the community college by my house was really far away.
When I was ten years old, I hugged my panda tight and promised him that I would never ever ever get rid of my stuffed animals. Ever.
When I was fourteen, I thought teaching would be a nice idea.
When I was seventeen, I was going to go to college, get married at 21, live close to home, and be a teacher/soccer mom.
When I was eighteen, I went to college. I also went overseas for the first time and thought it might not be so bad to go to another country where the people looked like me.
When I was nineteen, I spent a summer in Africa.
When I was 21, I didn't get married.
When I was 22, I left America to live in China for a year.
I still don't understand how it all happened. I've never been particularly adventurous and/or fearless. I like my family and am not a huge fan of being really far away from them. My real dreams and ambitions are usually pretty mild.
This was never in my plan.
But I suppose it was in His.
Growing up is weird, man.
and at least in my experience, it stays weird. :-P