Friday, April 19, 2013

Class 16...I mean, Class 2.

Here’s the thing about Class 16.
Well, they WERE Class 16. Now they’re Class 2.
Last term I had a FANTASTIC co-teacher who was really good at managing their crazy. So good, in fact, that I didn’t know they were crazy.  
This term my co-teacher is new to classroom teaching and she is about to lose her mind. 

The thing about this class is that they are smart, energetic, and playful. Their homeroom teacher is a terrifying woman who never smiles (but keeps them in order so that they are safe and healthy, which is her job, and I don't condemn her), so when it’s time for English class, they let go. Like, really let go.
Letting go can sometimes be good…and it can sometimes not.

They look so angelic when the homeroom teacher is starting them down, don't they?

Some days they make me crazy and every day they make my poor co-teacher crazy.
But the thing is that deep under all that, I really, really love that class.
How can you not love such a plethora of personality?

Anita is teeny tiny and enjoys telling me, “I LIKE YOU.”
Dallas and Wyatt are quiet observers and look like scruffy, Chinese baby bears.
Ryder gets in trouble EVERY DAY OF HIS LIFE and I don’t care because he has giant ears and a sneaky smile.
Cliff also has giant ears and likes to get in trouble, but he’s more conniving about it.
Autumn and Gretel are polite and Autumn likes to ask me questions in English.
Wesley looks like an old man and likes to show me things from his desk.
Tristan and Bobby are chill and don’t care too much for English.
Myrna minds her own business in the back but flashes me smiles every once in a while.
William wants to be my friend, but he doesn’t like to do work.
Alyssa is shy, wears pink glasses, is a GREAT artist, and says “thank you” when I compliment her on her work.
Windy always has an answer.
Alice likes to bury her head in my chest when she hugs me in the hallway.
Jake likes to move his lips without actually saying anything in English.
Josie hates it when I don’t call on her.
Tate always surprises me with his quiet, silly ways and how much he loves to dance and make others laugh.
Jessica wants approval and grunts every time she raises her hand.
Kyle has a scar under his left eye and I would probably think he was really cool if I could understand his Chinese.
Hellen always wears an awkward smile.
Micah is a smart ball of personality and does a mean impersonation of Papa Bear.
Breezy knows everything and has one of the broadest smiles I’ve ever seen.
Harry likes to spin in circles, and when we draw in class, he always makes his pictures for me.
Cindy looks like a little old woman and has a gap-toothed smile.
Arnold has sporting blue glasses and a lot of quiet personality.
Lily is always, always, ALWAYS happy to see me.
China, Joanie, Lois, Sky, and Celia usually get overlooked and I hate that I do that.
Dave is straight-up cool.
Channing thinks he’s straight-up cool.
And Fabio…Fabio is my baby. He has a lovely singing voice, he makes this “Oh-my-gosh-it’s-youuuuu-and-I-love-youuuuuuuu” face at me in the hallway, he purposefully doesn’t talk in class and makes faces at me from the back so that I’ll notice him, he’s cheeky, he’s quiet, he likes to take apart his pens instead of doing his work, and he knows that he’ll never get in real trouble with me because I love him too much. Besides, he never bothers anyone and still manages to make good grades, so I don’t care.

Oh, Fabio. 

Class 16...I mean, Class 2... doesn't try their hardest and they are usually goofing off in class, but I know they love me.
And they know I love them. 

Wyatt, Tate, and Ryder.

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