Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Last Week of School

I haven't wanted to do this because it meant I would have to fully acknowledge that school is really over...but I guess I should write about what actually happened during the last week. 

My lessons looked like this: 
Lesson 1--give a presentation on my life, including a culture portion about the Smokies and a section on my passions and dreams. 
Lesson 2--let the kids make cards about their hopes and dreams (or, hopefully, ignore my instructions and just write a card for ME). 

I also taught the children my Chinese name, Ai Meili, which essentially means, "Love Beautiful". They thought it was hilarious/awesome and wrote it all over their cards to me:


No, I'm not narcissistic enough or smart enough to come up with that name for myself. My Chinese friends love me and gave it to me in January.

From day one, it was a flood of tears for them and me. They cried in class, I cried at home (and sometimes in the office after class--sorry, co-teachers!). I also gave the kids a picture of me to keep with a message on the back:

I wrote it 360 times. Talk about a hand cramp.

The week was pretty much one big blur of sad, with a few really memorable moments in it, from some of my beautiful babies.

Cassie, who, when asked what her dream was, exclaimed (in Chinese), "My dream is for Miss Love to be my foreign teacher forever!" before falling into her seat in tears. This was made more extraordinary by the fact that she is one of the quietest children in that class.

Connor, who had tears in his eyes most of the times that I saw him and made sure to kiss my hand and tell me he loved me almost every day.

Dylan, who ignored me on purpose all year up until the last month of school. Last week he sought out my attention in the hallway, wrote me a note, and, when I told him I loved him, mumbled back, "I love you, too."

Translation by Miss Love & Chinese co-teacher.

Lisa, who hugged me around the neck cried pitifully in my shoulder while I told her I loved her.

Tony, Alan, and Tate, who all got excited when they heard about Tennessee fried chicken.

Lance and Cooper, who both tried hard to be the biggest troublemakers in class all year, and who were both genuinely sad when I left.

Alyssa, who quietly sits in the back and doesn't have many friends, but made me the most beautiful card in the entire second grade.

And Fabio, who was at my side every time he saw me, who tried really hard not to cry during our last class but just couldn't hold it in all the way, who made silly faces to cover up his emotions, and who broke my heart the most.

Here are a few more of my favorite cards (out of the hundreds I received this week):

Esty and Miss Love being nurses. 

Justin and the crazy-haired foreigner, Ai Meili.

Tate wants to make a new holiday.

"I hope Miss Love becomes more and more beautiful!" 
Fabio's so ridiculous.

Tristan NEVER talked to me in or out of class, so I thought this was surprising.

He wants to be a...surgeon...

I have a new last name. 

Evan was also really quiet in class, but sometimes I could get him to smile. I'm just wondering where our clothes went here...

Mike cried so hard last week. My favorite part of this is "Your is I friends."

 Her name is Danna, not Danng, in case you were wondering.

I think Windy (not Wing, silly boy), wants to take me to Germany someday. I better keep in touch with this kid.

Thanks, Lance.

Apparently I'm the queen of America. Who knew. 

 I'm really interested in this kid's future. I think we have similar dreams.

Oh, Matthew.

1 comment:

  1. This is overwhelmingly wonderful.
    You have changed them forever and I'm sure are forever changed ;)
